Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Stella's Voice

Moldova is a country which is situated on the Eastern side of Europe between Romania and Ukraine. Economically it is one of the most exceedingly poor countries of Europe. It is like Africa in Europe.

Stella's voice is based on a journey about a safe house built for children who were thrown out of orphanages of Moldova after they reach 16 yrs of age to protect them from human trafficking in Europe. Stella was an orphan, her body was half paralyzed by the time she was 16 yrs. She was thrown out of the orphanage just like other kids are done at Moldova's orphanages when they turn 16. After she was forced to move out, she was kidnapped into human trafficking. They sold and used her and she died of AIDS at the age of 19. 

Stella's house is a safe house which was built in 2006 by the Christian Scottish missionary - evangelist- Philip
Cameron to protect kids like Stella from predators. Philip was very close to Stella. On hearing this horrific demise about her, he was broken within and decided to make a difference in the life of these innocent angels by protecting them and educating them within Stella's home. Children call Philip as 'Dad'. He has not only helped them mentally and physically but also uplifted their lives spiritually. Today the number of children in their home is exploding at a faster rate and they require more space and funding and I'm sure that by God's grace they will soon be able to spread their wings of love to many more in need.

Title: Stella's Voice
Series: Documentaries
Duration: 23m
Find out about the horror's faced by the orphans of Moldova and Stella's Voice's answer to that need.

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